I’d love to hear from you.Help me improve the online classes for your benefit.This feedback is anonymous. What is the primary reason you haven't been attending the online bellydance classes recently? Schedule conflicts Lack of motivation Technical difficulties accessing the classes Dissatisfaction with class content Other (please specify below) How satisfied are you with the timing of the online classes? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied What aspects of the online classes do you find most beneficial? (Choose all that apply) Instructor's teaching style Variety of dance routines Interaction with other participants Flexibility to attend from anywhere Other (please specify below) Which of the following improvements would encourage you to attend the online classes more regularly? More diverse class topics More diverse class topics Increased frequency of classes Enhanced interactive features (e.g., live Q&A sessions) Clearer communication about class schedule and updates Other (please specify below) On a scale, how likely are you to recommend the online bellydance membership to a friend or colleague? Very unlikely Unlikely Neutral Likely Very likely Had more to say? Write it here. * Thank you! I greatly appriciate your feedback.